Broadcasted on 2/28/24
Our program appeard on an evening news show "Tadaima!" of the RKB Mainichi Broadcasting Corporation.

Published on 1/13/24
Our program was featured in the Nishinippon Shimbun (Newspaper)
- both a hard copy and online -
Broadcasted on 1/21/24
Kaname Ueno and Yumiko Mori from our program appeared on a radio show of the Community Radio Tenjin, "President Station® Fukuoka."

Published on the January 2024
(vol. 260) Issue
An interview article was featured in "Little mama Kyushu version" that is a monthly magazine to support young mothers and children.
Broadcasted on 12/3/23
Kaname Ueno from our program appeared on a radio show of the Community Radio Tenjin, "President Station® Fukuoka."

** Yumiko's Translation Work
Japanese Edition of “Beyond the Wall: Personal Experiences with Autism and Asperger Syndrome, 2nd Edition: ” by Stephen Shore, from Gakken, Japan (2004)
Japanese Edition of “Ask and Tell: Self-Advocacy and Disclosure for People on the Autism Spectrum” by Stephen Shore, from Creates Kamogawa, Japan (2007)
Japanese Edition of “Incorporating Social Goals in the Classroom: A Guide for Teachers and Parents of Children with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome” by Rebecca Moyes, from Creates Kamogawa, Japan (2008)
“My Elder Brother Has Autism: The World of Elder Brother As Seen by Younger Twin Sister,” with Sumire Maki from Creates Kamogawa, Japan (2009)
Japanese Edition of “Asperger Syndrome and Employment: A Personal Guide to Succeeding at Work: What Does It mean to have Autism or Asperger Syndrome?” (DVD) by Nick Dubin, from Creates Kamogawa, Japan (2013)
Japanese Edition of “E-Safety for the i-Generation” by Nikki Giant, from Creates Kamogawa, Japan (2015)
Japanese Edition of “Sexuality and Severe Autism” by Kate E. Raynolds, from Creates Kamogawa, Japan (2019)
Japanese Edition of "Zones of Regulation "by Leah M. Kuypers, from Creates Kamogawa, Japan (2024)